11 Things You Can Do To Practice Self Love Right Now

Let’s not forget that the relationship we have with ourselves is by far the most important one. In this post, I tried to not only include tips and self love acts, but also some really amazing links. Here are a few things you can do right now to practice self love

Do that thing you’ve been wanting to do for yourself. Here are 75 Ways to Treat Yourself.

Remind yourself not to get lost in the infinite fantasy scroll of IG where everything seems perfect. It’s not.

Drink a glass of wine. Or two. Live your best life.

Write down 5 things that make you happy. Big or small. Put that note somewhere you can always see it.

Become a plant parent. It’s the most low maintenance love you will ever give.

Be mindful of the exact moment when you’re in your best headspace, the moment when you’re loving yourself and others the most, and let that feeling be your standard and reminder for all your days moving forward.

Don’t count calories all the time. Or macros, or meals, or any of it. Your ability to be a good human has nothing to do with those stretch marks on your legs.

Say out loud what you like about yourself.

Text one person and let them know how much they mean to you. This will make you feel FULFILLED.

Listen to one of these self love podcasts because the relationship with ourself is the most important one.

Write a letter to yourself with all the advice you’ve accumulated thus far in your life. Save it and open it in 10 years.

I hope you all enjoyed this because I very much enjoyed writing it. I would absolutely love to know your favorite self love tips. Leave them in the comments friends!