Whether you’re having a lazy weekend at home, or need something to fuel up your body before a busy Saturday and Sunday, follow this breakfast quesadilla recipe. I promise you, this is it. Easy, quick, cheesy, and just so much goodness in every single bite. Here is my simple and easy breakfast quesadilla recipe…

Keep in mind, you can use ANY protein, cheese, egg type, toppings…it’s really what YOU like! And if you’re up to this point and thinking (eh idk if a breakfast quesadilla is for me), check out my Persian Inspired Turmeric and Herb Frittata Recipe.
Serves: 1
1 pack bacon
1 burrito size tortillas
2 large eggs
3/4 cheese, grated or shredded
1/4 cup half and half or milk
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1. If you are using bacon or any other meat that needs to be cooked, make sure to cook it separately, cut/rip into smaller pieces, and set aside. Do this first.

2. In a small bowl, whisk together eggs and milk. Add salt pepper, and paprika to taste.

3. In a pan large enough to fit the tortilla, melt butter in pan on low heat.
4. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and do not touch it! Leave it as is.
5. When it starts to cook on top and bubble in the middle, add in cheese and bacon, make sure to disconnect any egg edges stuck to the pan by running your spatula around the edge of the pan. Stick quesadilla on top. Let the remaining slightly uncooked egg and cheese act as glue. Press down slightly to assist with the tortilla sticking to the egg.

6. Flip the pan onto a plate large enough to fit the entire tortilla.

7. Add in oil to the pan, place the tortilla back in, tortilla side down
8. Crisp the tortilla to liking, then fold it in half and press it down.
9. Slide that pretty thing onto a plate and enjoy. Happy eating 🙂 You can put hot sauce, avocado, ketchup, whatever you want on it!

That’s all on this breakfast quesadilla! Did you follow this recipe with the same ingredients? If so, let me know how you liked it. If not (totally ok too), let me know in the comments what your toppings were! I’m curious to know. HAPPY FRIDAY FRIENDS!