We made it through the week! This week was kinda chill, kinda difficult – lot of things happening with work but one thing I can always rely on is having the weekend to unwind and do whatever tf we want. I actually took today and Monday off so I get to have a LONG weekend. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these links and I hope they inspire you to have a relaxing weekend!
Take a social media break.
Make a cappuccino. Get fancy with your coffee.

Call or text that person that you’ve been meaning to reconnect with but keep postponing.
Nap like this puppy is trying to nap. Even if it’s just resting your eyes for 5 minutes.
Buy a cookbook and make the first recipe you turn the page to. Even if you’re not a cook, go for it.
Put your feet up. Relaxing weekend remember?

Write down 5 small things you want to accomplish next week.
Walk. Around your apartment. Or outside. Just walk.
Buy the fancy sparkling water.

Sit by the sun. Or in the sun.
That’s all friends 🙂 Short and sweet and to the point because having a relaxing weekend shouldn’t be complicated. What is everyone up to this weekend? Whatever it is, I hope it’s incredible!