Hi beautiful people! It’s all happening! I’m Cristina and I’m so happy you’re here (you’ve heard that before but I swear I mean it). I write about many different things, from all things home to food to travel to shopping to just LIFE, and I hope that you can take something useful from this space. Here’s more about me and how I got here.
Who am I?
A little bit about me…I was originally born in Napoli, Italy, and came to the USA when I was almost 8 years old. I’m now based in Philly but am also back and forth to and from California because my boyfriend of 3 years lives in Sacramento, CA! That story is for a whole other blog post lol. I went to Temple University to study PR and absolutely loved it but ended up in strategic partnerships instead (which I also love). My family, boyfriend, and friends are my entire heart and without them I would be nothing!
What makes me, me?
I’m the type of person who, even if I just need to buy a simple milk frother or planter or pillow, I will have 20 different tabs open researching all options and making sure I’m getting the best price for the best product. Or, if I’m making a food or drink recipe at home I need to make it a million times before sharing it out. And I’m also the type of person who when planning a trip, creates a 5 page day by day itinerary to make sure I have options and know what the must-sees are. Call that being organized, or call it psycho, but it’s what makes me happy and I hope to bring that same passion to this blog. I also love to create special moments anytime I can. And that’s what you’ll get from my blog! This is a collection of everything life and everything useful with reliable, researched posts and authentic personal moments that will hopefully inspire you in one way or another.
What do I like?
If I could take a year off from everything and just travel, that’s what I’d do! I’ve traveled as much as I can in my life and will definitely share a lot of those adventures on this blog. I love anything home, anything food, and everything (mostly online) shopping. I love Sundays and cooking and wine and all of the people in my life.
Why did I start this blog?
At the risk of sounding like many out there, I’ve been wanting to start this blog for so many years. I’ve had a million thoughts on what I’ve wanted to blog about. I’ve written over 100 pages worth of content in Google Docs over the past few years, and now I am FINALLY putting it somewhere. And doing so hopefully in an organized, practical, and collected (lol get it) way.
I know the blogging world is massive and overwhelming so if you’re new here too, let’s chat!
So with all of this said…I hope you love it and please stay a while!!